����� 2

cotton (n.)         =   ����                         silver (n. , adj.)              =  �Թ
silk (n.)               =  ���                          gold (n. , adj.)               = �ͧ
wool (n.)            =  ���ѵ��                     copper (n.)                    = �ͧᴧ
leather (n.)        =  ˹ѧ                          plastic (n. , adj.)            = ���ʵԡ
rubber (n.)         =  �ҧ                          nylon (n.)     = ���ѧ��������͹
polyester  (n.)    =   ���ѧ������          iron (n.)        = ����
earring (n.)         = ��ҧ��
������ҧ          Have you heard that Olivia lost one of her diamond earrings?

 necklace (n.)   = ����¤�
������ҧ          Your necklace matches very well with your dress.
bracelet (n.)    =  �������   ����¢�����
������ҧ          Yesterday I bought a silver bracelet for my dress.
material (n.)    = �ѵ��  ��ʴ�
������ҧ          Paul chooses the material for his trousers very carefully.
                       It is quite difficult to tell the material used for making this doll.
man – made (adj.)   =  ��д�ɰ���  �Դ�ҡ�����������
������ҧ          This canal is man – made, it is not natural.
metal (n.)       = ����
������ҧ          What kind of metal do they use to produce the glass frames?
                       Nowadays gold is a very expensive metal.

���������Ҫ��� ‘could’  �����ʴ���â�͹حҵ (permission)
���� ‘could’  �繡���Ҫ��«�����ٻʹյ�ͧ ‘can’ ����դ��������������ö��з���  ��
          I can cook.
          I could cook very well when I was young.
��㹷���� ‘could’�����ʹյ�ͧ ‘can’ ���繡���Ҫ��·��觺͡��â�͹حҵ   ��
          Could I meet you at 4 pm?
          Could I leave early this afternoon, please?
������ҷ��еͺ����͹حҵ ����� ‘can’ ����͹حҵ��� ‘can’t’ �������͹حҵ  ��
          Could I meet you at 4 pm?
          Yes, certainly you cam.
          Could I leave early this afternoon, please?
          I’m sorry. You can’t.
To do something over = to do something again ���� ������
          I didn’t wash my shirt clean enough so I have to do it over.
          Ann didn’t read the instruction, so she had to do the
          reading over.

to throw something away =  ���  �ҷ��  (�դ����������ǡѺ  to throw something out)
Before you throw those books away please check them carefully first.
          David told me that he didn’t want those shirts anymore and so he threw them away.

To be fond of = �ͺ
������ҧ          My daughter is really fond of history and always asks me to buy her books  about it.
                       Are you fond of movies? Do you go to see them often?

ash (n.)          =        ������
tray (n.)          =         �Ҵ   ����ͧ
�ӷ���ͧ��������ѹ�� ashtray = ������º�����
������ҧ          Peter :  What are you looking for, Danny?
                       Danny: I’m looking for an ashtray. I’d like to put out  my cigar.
put out (phrasal   v.)  =  �Ѻ�

appreciate (v.)           =  ��蹪ͺ   ��зѺ�    ��繤س���
������ҧ          Dang works hard all year round and his boss really appreciates it.
                       The policeman helped the old woman cross the street and she appreciated  his help.

���������Ҫ���  may,  might,  could   ���ͺ͡���������  ��觷������� (possibility)
may  �դ������·���ʴ����������  �����͡�ʷ����Դ�����
might ���ٻ�����ʹյ�ͧ may ����դ������������觷���Ҩ�Դ�����
������ҧ     There’s no sunshine, it could rain today.
                   Angelina looks pale, she might not feel well.
                  The teacher said that she has an appointment with the dentist; therefore, she may dismiss class early.                       
can ��� verb to be �ٻ is/am/are able to �繡���Ҫ��·�������ͺ͡��������ö  �¨���������� present  ��� future tense  㹡óշ���� past tense  ����  could  ��� was/ were able to
������ҧ          April can speak Spanish and German.
                       Which one of the three girls is able to speak Italian?
                       I couldn’t cook when I was a teenager.
                      My father was able to play the violin.

�Ըա�������Ҫ���  may, can ��� could  ���͢�͹حҵ
������ҧ         May I excuse myself?
                      May I open more windows, please?
                      Can I take your picture?
                      Can I have more wine?
                      Could I call you this evening?
��������  ����Ҫ��·��������㹷������˹�ҷ��㹡�â�͹حҵ����͹�ѹ���   ����ᵡ��ҧ ���  ����� may ��� could  ���е�ͧ������ͤ������Ҿ  ��  ��Ҿٴ�Ѻ���ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ��  ���ͤ����������ʹԷ����  ������¤����������� can  �Ѻ�����������ѡ  ��  ����ͧ  ���͹�����ҹ  ���͹���  ���ǹ���ͧ���ͺ����ͧ��
 1. Student : ________________ I leave early today?
    Teacher : I’m afraid not.

2. Lt Ivan : _______________ I come again tomorrow?  
    Lt Thomas :  You sure can.
3.  Danny : ________________ I borrow your bicycle?
     Steve : Go ahead, pal.

Answer keys:

  1.  May / Could
  2. Can
  3. Can

book store,  liquor shop, gas station,  lamp post, seat belt, etc.
��Ҵٴ�� ��������  �ӷ�������ҧ������ա�ҡ �繡�ù���Ҥӹ���Ң��¤ӹ�����¡ѹ  ����Դ�繤�����  ����ժ������¡�ӹ����������ҧ˹����з�˹�ҷ����¤ӹ������������ ‘noun adjunct’  ������ҧ��� � ��  vending machine, pocket money, TV program, video game, etc.
�ͧ�֡���������繤���������ա��ҧ  ���������ҵ�ͧ�繤ӹ�������¹���������

  1. The machine that you wash your clothing is called a ________.
  2. If you don’t have a ___________ what can you use to fry the fish?
  3. It’s your mother’s birthday it is important that you should buy her a _________________.
  4. Rambutan in syrup is my favorite dessert but I need a __________ to open the can.
  5. Nick: Is there anything interesting  on TV tonight?

Anne: I don’t know. Let’s check the _______________.
Answer keys:

  1. washing machine
  2. frying pan
  3. birthday cake
  4. can opener
  5. TV program

����͡���§�ӻ��������  ��ŧ���˹ѡ���ӹ�����˹��  ������ͧ�֡��������ҧ���仹��
spelling game, walking stick, match box, car keys, sewing machine, bank note