Before starting you need a piece of paper together with a pen or pencil.
Be ready to jot down your answers.


1. How can other people best interpret your emotions?
a. through your facial expressions
b. from the quality of your voice
c. through your general body language
2. How do you manage to keep up with current events?
a. by reading the newspaper thoroughly when you have the time
b. by listening to the radio or watching the TV news
c. by quickly reading the paper or spending just a few minutes watching the TV news
3. What sort of driver (or passenger) are you?
a. you frequently check the rearview mirror and watch the road carefully
b. you turn on the radio as soon as you get into the car
c. you can't get comfortable in the seat and continually shift position
4. How do you prefer to conduct business?
a. by having face-to-face meetings or writing letters
b. over the phone because it saves time
c. by talking while you are walking ,jogging or doing something else physical
5. How do you react when you're angry?
a. by clamming up and giving others the "silent treatment"
b. by quickly letting others know why you're angry
c. by clenching your fists, grasping something tightly or storming off
6. How would you describe the way you dress?
a. a neat and tidy dresser
b. a sensible dresser
c. a comfortable dresser  
7. What do you think the best way is to discipline a child?
a. to isolate the child by separating him/her from the group  
b. to reason with the child and discuss the situation
c. to use acceptable forms of corporal punishment
8. How do you behave at meetings?
a. you come prepared with notes and displays
b. you enjoy discussing issues and hearing other points of view
c. you would rather be somewhere else and so spend your time doodling
9. What do you like doing in your free time?
a. watching TV or going to the cinema
b. listening to the radio, going to a concert or playing a musical instrument
c. engaging in a physical activity of some kind
10.What do you consider to be the best way of rewarding students?
a. writing positive comments on their work
b. giving oral praise to the student
c. a pat on the back, a hug, or some other appropriate physical action